Eggrolls Series
Unlike traditional eggrolls, Crispy ‘Honeycomb’ Eggroll are more technically demanding. We use traditional methods to study dozens of complicated processes; repeatedly adjust the formula more than 50 times, insist on not adding any artificial colors, chemical additives; It has a honeycomb-like effect, and the taste is crispier and rich in layers. It is made from natural ingredients such as French natural butter and fresh eggs.
Thank you for all your support. Online shop only includes part of our pastry collections. Please visit Imperial Patisserie retail shops for more pastry products tasting and purchasing.
Palmiers Series | Eggrolls Series | Crispy Cookie Series | Puffs Series |
Combo Gift Box Series | Wedding Series | Tonggwoji Series | Hong Kong Stories Series |
Blessing Cute Box Series | Imperial Gifts | Tea Gift Box Series | Ming Artisan Pastries Series | All Items